Reiki as an Alternative Therapy
For Children With Special Needs
For Children With Special Needs
REIKI as an Alternative Therapy For Children With Special Needs
- 20th May 2009
- Vista Del Mar, Venice, LA
- The Aim of this workshop was to Provide a tool to the Children with Special Needs which they can easily use to calm themselves and feel at peace when needed.
Participants :
A group of 24 children with various disorders like Bi-polar, ADHD, Autism, Oppositional Defiant, PTSD, Depression and Extreme Anger Behaviour.
A group of 11 Therapists ( Art therapists, Psychotherapists, Behaviour controller, Speech Therapists, Family consultants and Physical Education Therapists).
A group of 11 Therapists ( Art therapists, Psychotherapists, Behaviour controller, Speech Therapists, Family consultants and Physical Education Therapists).
The workshop was conducted in the following pattern :
By calming the energy of the people and their thought patterns.
Exercises to make them aware of their presence.
The workshop was concluded with the fun interactive sessions.
Outcome :
- The children were at their best behavior throughout the workshop.
- The children showed interest in doing interactive sessions. The sense of satisfaction was reflected by the pleasant smiles on the faces of the children.
- The therapists present were most pleased with this achievement of the children. Therapists & physical trainers were pleasantly surprised with the children’s concentration on one subject for more than two hours with ease and smile .
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